The Safe and Welcoming Place for Naturists Online!

World Naked Calendar Days

There are several days of the year that have been designated as national or international naked days. These are days when naturists and nudists around the world celebrate naturism/nudism while doing something in common — from gardening to riding bicycles and beyond. Mark these days on your calendar and participate when/where you are comfortable.

If you haven’t tried any of these activities au naturel, you may be surprised how you might feel closer to nature and appreciate God’s works all the more.

Note: Most of the following links go to external websites and have their own terms of service. As of this writing, they contain a good message. We cannot guarantee they will be as good in the future.

(Inter)National Naked/Nude Days

Working Naked Day — First Friday in February

World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) — First Saturday in May

World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) — Dates and events vary by location.

Hike Naked Day — June 21 in the north hemisphere and December 21 in the southern hemisphere

International Read Naked Day

World Naturist Day

Nude Recreation Week

National Nude Day — July 14

International Skinny Dip Day

World Naked Sailing Day (WNSD)

Partially Nude

These are not really about being totally naked or nude, but are worth mentioning as a starting point for some people.

Go Topless Day — August

National Go Barefoot Day — June 1

If you are interested in learning how nudists/naturists can also be devoted Christians, just join our forum. It’s free, and we have many knowledgeable and experienced people to answer any questions or doubts you may have.